Learn 3 ways to build self-trust so you can ditch the sh*t self-talk and feel happier ... plus 66 ways you block yourself from feeling the self-love you really deserve.

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    It's time to cut the crap. I don't care what you weigh or how old you are or however you feel you've messed up in the past. You deserve to love yourself, exactly as you are right NOW.
    You can't change other people- but you can start by looking at YOU and all the ways you (unintentionally) screw yourself over every day. I came up with a list of 66 ways that people get in their own way - PLUS 3 ways you can STOP and start having more self-love instead.
    - Reduce your anxiety ...
    - Stop people-pleasing ...

    - Release crappy relationships that make you feel small ...
    And start feeling more empowered in your life at ANY weight or age. Download your eBook directly to your computer or phone and keep it handy to read whenever you can!

    Always here to cheer you on!
